Course Objective:
The purpose of Math 108 is to equip the student with math skills sufficient for the study of calculus. There is a review of basic algebra and the study of algebraic manipulations involving absolute value and/or inequalities.
There is the study of functions, including polynomials, rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions. Approximately four weeks of the course is devoted to trigonometry.
Achievement of the objectives is measured mostly by tests, as described under "Grading" below. Some emphasis will be placed on students' ability to express answers using correct and precise mathematical language and notation.
The required text is the Math 108 Course Pack. This text was written by Jean Brewster, a former instructor of the course, and is free of charge. The textbook can be accessed as a PDF on each section's Brightspace.
The course will cover nearly all of the material in the course pack. A couple of sections may be omitted due to time constraints.
Calculators: All quizzes, tests and exams will be written in such a way that the use of a calculator is not required. Therefore, NO CALCULATORS OR OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES WILL BE PERMITTED DURING QUIZZES, TESTS OR EXAMS. No solvers, AI chatbots, etc., should be utilized when completing any graded assignment.
Test Schedule: Dates for the tests and final exam are below. Students who have a valid schedule conflict with the date or time for the final exam will have the chance to have their situations addressed a few weeks before the end of the semester.
Date | Time | Room | |
Test 1 | Wednesday, September 20 | In Class | Regular Classroom |
Test 2 | Friday, October 13 | In Class | Regular Classroom |
Test 3 | Monday, November 6 | In Class | Regular Classroom |
Test 4 | Friday, December 1 | In Class | Regular Classroom |
Final Exam | TBA (will be sometime between 12/11 and 12/15) | TBA | TBA |
Total Points | Grade | Total Points | Grade | |
900-1000 | A | 650-699 | C+ | |
850-899 | A- | 600-649 | C | |
800-849 | B+ | 550-599 | C- | |
750-799 | B | 500-549 | D | |
700-749 | B- | 0-499 | F | |
Homework will not be collected for a grade unless an instructor has determined that homework will be part of the 150 points of instructor discretion grade. It is expected that the student is mature enough to do the non-collected homework without the instructor checking.
It cannot be overstressed that homework, including reading assignments, is an integral part of the course. There is not sufficient class time for an instructor to go over every variation of problem that can be encountered. The homework therefore is meant to reinforce what is done in class AND is a tool for independent discovery. There is a definite correlation between students who have faithfully and seriously done the homework and those who are familiar with the problems on tests.
It is EXPECTED that students will attend class. We WILL enforce the University policy that allows an instructor to take punitive measures (including not allowing a student to take the final exam or even failing a student in the course) if a student is absent for 25% of classes. Individual instructors may include attendance as part of the 150 points of the instructor discretion grade.
Students who are ill and need to miss class for an extended period should inform their instructor immediately.
Math Help:
Binghamton University is committed to full and equitable access for all enrolled students. Students requesting accommodations based on a disability must register with Services for Students with Disabilities located in University Union Room 119 (777-2686).